Sunday, 15 February 2015

2015 Ward Valentines Day Activity

Tamavua, Suva -

The theme for this year’s Valentines Day activity was “Families can be Together Forever.” Bro Tagicakibau provided the Spiritual thought for the day which set the Tone for the activities. In his thought he mentioned how an effective shepherd leads his sheep from the front and not from behind. The 4 groups that competed throughout the activities were reminded that if they live up to the theme, they would get a special prize.

We kicked off the day with a Scavenger hunt which was won by Bro Vuikadavu’s group. Then we had the LDS version of “Amazing Race” which was won by Bishop’s Maiwiriwiri’s group. Our DJ for the day was Bro Rusi Tawake and Bro Tagicakibau who kept us in good spirits with some lively tunes. We even had Karaoke which unveiled some hidden talents like Remesio Delai (7 years old) who sang his own version of the song “Families can be together forever.” For lunch we each had a delicious plate of beef chop-suey cooked by the Sis Maiwiriwiri and family.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves, especially the deserts and the prizes that was kindly shared around by the groups that won.

First Activity - Scavenger Hunt 


 Part of Bro Tawake's team

 Apisai Koli and his team scavenging for clues

 Kafoa celebrates finding a clue during the Scavenger Hunt

 Our Cheering Squad

 Bro Tawake's ready to present his team's findings.

 Lopez getting his preparations done to present his team's Scavenger findings.

Kafoa looking busy doing nothing.

Preparing for the Amazing Race

 Kelera and Kafoa drawing the Obstacle course at one of the stations.

 Bishop is ready to Go at his station of the Amazing Race.

 Our new missionary Elder Amani (New Zeland) and Elder Tui (Tonga).

 Bro Qima preparing the teams with some final instructions before the Race.

Second Activity - Amazing Race

 Kafoa's group at the Obstacle course station.

 Apisai's group at the Roping the Chair Station.

 Sis Kara supervising a team at the Scripture chase station.

 Bishop instructing a team at the Apostles station.
 Sis Tagicakibau checking the answers of a group at the Article of Faith station.

 The elders helping a team build a temple using a deck of cards at a station.

Lute surrounded by her team who are trying to guide her thru the obstacle course.

Lunch Time

 What's for Lunch? Yummy noodle beef Chopsuey thanks to Sis Maiwiriwiri.

 Bishops and the kids enjoying Lunch.

 The ever diligent & hard-working Relief Society.

 The Full time Missionaries and future prospective missionaries enjoying lunch.

 Peni Tagicakibau, our ward Executive secretary.

 Sis Mereani Delai & Mele dishing out lunch.

Litia Matai serving desert.


 Bro Vuikadavu's group with their prizes after winning the scavenger hunt.

 Brother and Sister, Waisiki & Finau Komainaqoro.

 Time for some Tennis.

 Our Relief Society sisters taking a break.

 Remesio Delai singing Karaoke.

 Primary kids joining in the Fun.

 New missionary, Elder Amani joining in a game of touch rugby with the Young Men.

 Hard-working Camera man Bro Vuikadavu takes a selfie.

 The Flying Fijians.

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